An important aspect of our government is to protect us from from monied interests.
Examples of us regulating corporations …
Monopolies / Price Fixing: Our regulations protect us against the super rich buying everything and over charging us. Many other regulations assure they do not maximize profit on the backs of we the people by using their money and power.
Our laws and regulations assure competitive and innovative corporate environment.
Pre-existing conditions: Our regulations dis-allow such practices and require insurance companies to spend 80% of earnings on reimbursements.
Consumer Protection: Our regulations dis-allow practices such as extracting extra late fees by changing the due dates strategically. These are other smaller examples of our government protecting us against actual problems.
We are the boss: Notice in every case, our Congress has the most power and tells corporations what to do. These laws and regulations are here to protect us from real issues, not a phantom issue that may happen in the future.
The corporate world does not like being told what to do or paying taxes, so they want …
- The smallest government possible, so there isn’t power to enforce regulations
- The least respected and competent government possible, it is after all, the ones tell them what to do
- The lowest cost government, so their taxes are lower
To make that happen…
The Mandate for Leadership was given to Reagan, and the Mandate for Leadership / Project 2025 Edition was given to Trump. In both cases, the goal is to change our laws and regulations to benefit them and curtail our ability to tell them what to do.
We should not be OK with our President working for the Heritage Foundation and not us.
This video (8 min) breaks down laws and regulations that we have to protect us from monied interests. It discussed why this is important and what the Heritage Foundation, a consortium of corporations, is doing to curtail such efforts.